About the Journal


Papers in Physics publishes original research in almost all areas of physics and its interface with other subjects. The scope includes, but is not limited to, physics of particles and fields, condensed matter, physics of fluids, chemical physics, statistical mechanics, soft condensed matter, materials science, biophysics, econophysics, mathematical physics and general physics, relativity and gravitation, and nuclear physics.

Nevertheless, the areas of foundations of physics, history of physics and physics education are out of the scope. Submissions about 'unifying theories of the universe' or re-defining well-known relativity and gravitation theories without strong roots in the current literature on the field would be also automatically rejected.

Articles are strictly reviewed by specialists prior to publication with no exception. Articles submitted to Papers in Physics are expected to contain substantial new results and ideas that advance the state of physics in a non-trivial way.



Papers in Physics offers two distinct editorial treatments from which authors can choose.

  • Traditional Review: Editors decide on publication assisted by the advice of anonymous reviewers.
  • Open Review: Editors send the manuscripts to specilalists. If the paper is original and technically sound, the article, the reviewer's comments and criticism and the author's replies are published (each contribution with its corresponding DOI) along with the names of all involved. This promotes the open discussion and gives public credit to our reviewers and editors.



Papers in Physics has a copyleft policy. A general non-exclusive license is given to use, reproduce, and create derivative work with any purpose under the only restriction that the original must be cited. This corresponds to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Published articles are made available free of charge to all readers.

Authors are expected to contribute with a low publication charge to cover the costs of producing Papers in Physics. See Article Publication Charges for details.


Indexing: CAS, DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar, JournalSeek, Latindex, SciELO, Scimago, Scopus and Web of Science

Long term preservation: LOCKSS and SciELO

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